
Showing posts from October, 2022

The Red Pill vs the Blue Pill

The blue pill - continuity of the current state of life i.e. living life without knowing its meaning or running away from the truth in order to stay as comfortable as possible I was assigned to defend the blue pill. Truly, though it isn't the most popular, I think there is a compelling argument behind it. One thing I wish we got from the movie is a look inside of the Matrix, more than we did. I think it would give us a better look of what was like inside of the matrix. However, from the look we did get, it looks just like a reflection of our world, just in the 1990s obvious. My main question is, how bad is it really to live in the Matrix? We can see in the movie that even when people are freed, they aren't necessarily happy. It takes Neo quite a while to adjust to his new life. Cypher is obviously unhappy, selling out his friends who he has fought besides, just because it isn't worth it to keep fighting. It's a miserable existence of gross food, constantly fighting for

The Duality between Decker and Nick Valentine (Creative Process for Collage)

“I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.” While watching Blade Runner, we were struck by how similar the story was to a lot of the science fiction media we consume. Through research, we discovered that “Do androids dream of Electric Sheep?” by Philip K. Dick was likely the core source of inspiration for not only Blade Runner, but all the media we were reminded of. For me, Deckard reminded me a lot of Nick Valentine, an android detective with implanted memories. Fallout 4 - Abbie - Nick Valentine versus Deckard  “Because I was Nick Valentine. I had his memories, his fears. All that poor bastards hope.” Similarities between deckard (a supposed replicant) and nick valentine (a machine with man’s memories) While watching Bladerunner and researching Bladerunner, I was struck with the possibility that De