
Showing posts from September, 2022

Bladerunner and AI Notes

  AI and Blade Runner - Week 4 Alan Turing Murdered early in his life for being gay Architect of modern days computer  Asked can a machine think Turing Test 1950 paper - can machines think? Test: Interrogator tries to figure out if 2 people are or aren't a human If the interrogator can’t tell the difference, is it intelligent? What is AI AI - John McCarthy definition - It is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. It is related to the similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence, but AI does not have to confine itself to methods that are biologically observable The original 7 aspects of AI  automatic computers, programming AI to use language, hypothetical neuron nets to be used to form concepts, measuring problem complexity, self-improvement, abstractions, and randomness and creativity Strong vs weak AI Bladerunner Tyrell Corporation advanced Robot Evolution into the nexus phase, a being ide...

2001 : A Space Odyssey Notes

 Overall, I have some mixed feelings about the movie. I really liked the beginning and the middle, but the end didn't really do much for me. I really liked the mystery of the monoliths, and what that could mean for the future of humanity, but what we ended up getting was an LSD trip with no concrete answers.  2001 : A Space Odyssey - 1969, post civil war Musical Prologue - Operatic The Dawn of Man Apes and tapirs - Hanging out in the savannah  Ape gets attacked by a jaguar, other apes leave it which isn't normal behavior Apes still chilling in the desert, dirty watering hole Apes divide into 2 different tribes One tribe eventually scares the other off from the watering hole, securing water has a resource This has to be the beginning of human evolution Huddled for warmth, no fire  A monolith has appeared outside the cave, holy voices singing as the apes go crazy the beginning of religion?? Holy singing louder as they touch the monolith Quarter moon and quarter su...

Love, Death, and Robots - Pop Squad

The episode I chose to analyze from Love, Death, and Robots was the episode “Pop Squad” from Volume 2.      Pop Squad is set in a dystopian future where immortality is a real possibility, overpopulation has led to harsh restriction of resources, including offspring. It follows the story of a detective whose job is to kill unregistered kids. It was directed by Franck Balson and Jennifer Yuh Nelson, and written by Paolo Bacigalupi, Philip Gelatt, and Tim Miller. The story is based on the short story by the same name in Paolo Bacigalupi’s anthology book, Pump Six and Other Stories, published in 2008 . The stories in his book all seem to contain warnings for humanity. For example, The People of Sand and Slag tells the story of an environmentally ravished earth, where humans have genetically modified themselves to continue to exist on this lifeless planet. Another, The Fluted Girl, where governments are more like fiefdoms and are ruled by a culture of entertainment. In this ...